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Sep 01 2008

How to help your web site start work.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

The Internet offers today a lot of information and it is difficult to create a web site that could really amaze visitors. In this article we want to give you advice how to create your internet business and derive benefit from your site. If you think that a web site will be successful without your help then you are mistaken. It is like build a shop and forget to make an antrance. The users will never find your site if you don’t help them.

Nowadays you can get a lot of opportunities by creating a sales oriented web site. With every year more and more people shop in the Internet. Before creating a site you should develop a well coordinated web marketing program. With the help of this program you will get your clients and increase their number step by step.

When designing a web site you should place high emphasis on the home page. Try to arouse visitors’ interest to your site with first phrases. Describe products and services you provide in detail. Explain why it is your products and services that they should buy. One more important moment is amount of information on the front page. You should feel balance here. Don’t place little information but at the same time it should be suitable and without superfluous words. Your main aim is to make visitors call or e-mail you or fill in a form with contract details. Don’t forget to place all your contact information. Try to follow generally accepted rules according to use of colours and navigation style.

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Aug 27 2008

How colours of your web site can influence on visiters.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

The main goal of a web designer is to create a winning web site which will attract the users attention. The work with colours is brought to the forefront here. But don’t forget about other essential components of a successful web site. It you site has a wonderful colour spectrum then you are just on the half path to success. The other components are connected with monitor, operating system and browser compatibility. Try to use such mix of colours that will do to all models and types of monitors. You should also remember that visitors use different browsers and the quality of pictures also depends on the kind of browser. If a web designer works with 256 colour combination and the majority of visitors have monitors which are incompatible with such combination then visitors’s screens will show low-quality pictures.

A lot of customers are not cognizant of compatibility and when a web designer creates a very colourful site with attractive images they believe it to be a perfect one. By the way the customers can’t even imagine that this “perfect” web site will have a negative impression on the visitors.

There is one more recommendation that refers to colour design. If it is possible try to approach to the maximum the colour of your web site to it’s main goal. So, the colour of a web site should reflect it purpose. This task is not a difficult one for a professional designer. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience just look through a list where it is explained which colour stimulate a definite mood. Think over what mood should arouse the site and then choose right colours.

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Aug 27 2008

Web design basics from Soula graphic design.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

With the help of this article you can learn about the very basic principles of graphic design. The name of such method of designing derives from company Soula Design and New Media Nottingham that worked out this project.

First of all we’ll make some notes on balance. Be sure that all the elements on one page are balanced. It means that design of your site shouldn’t be plain, it must draw visiter’s attantion. So, it is better to create a site which has asymmetrical design but not symmetrical. Try to make it more complex. Then your site will look more attractive.

You should remember that visitors of your site use different screens. So, some people will see your site perfectly balanced while others willn’t be able to look at it at all. Check the perfomance of your site on different screens beforehand.

If you’ve decided to create an asymmetrically balanced site then follow this rule: don’t place all the elements of design to one side. Yes, your site shouldn’be symmetrical. But don’t forget about the feel of balance. The possible way out from this situation is to put small elements opposite large ones or place images opposite text. You may “play” even with colours: place light colours against dark objects or vice versa. It will look effective.

One more part of design you should take into consideration is contrast. Use all the tools you have to make your site professionally looking. If people can’t discern the text then why you create such a site? The contrast of your site in many respects depends on colours. Try to give an appropriate colour to each element of text (it is very important to underline gyperlinks or mark them with blue colour). Avoid blend of menus, logos and main part of text. Design them in such a way that visitor can easily distinguish this parts from each other.

Rhythm is also an essential part of designing a web site. The pages of your site must flow with such high speed, that it would be difficult for visitors to follow the reiteration of patterns. This moment is very important because the users don’t like to wait for a long and most likely they leave your site if you are not going to respect our recomendations.
If you are interested in design from Soula, then read more at

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Aug 21 2008

What is implied under web hosting services.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

Web hosting services are an essential part of your site existance. Your site simply can’t do without them. Firstly, you should to know that web hosting may be free or paid. They differ from each other in bandwidth volume, disk space on a server, the type of server operation sistem, programming languages and data basis, that is installed on a server. All this parameters determine the quality of web hosting services. As a rule, paid web hosting is more qualitative.

When you are going to choose web hosting company pay your attention on the amount of bandwidth they can offer. It consists of information volume that you can post in the Internet and amount of users that can visit your site at the same time. Don’t forget about presence of programming languages. The most popular of them are PHP, Perl, MySQL databases and some more.

Try to find a web hosting company that offer round-the-clock support. It means that all the unforeseen bug should be eliminated immidiately. It is better to have a control panel of your web site. Cpanel is the most popular among them. It realize such function as downloading the site on a server, allows to glance over visiting statistics and alter the site data. One more parameter of good web hosting is reliability. You should be sure that you will have regular support from web hosting company.

We hope that our notes about web hosting services will help you to choose appropriate web hosting. So always try to find reliable and speedy web host to place your web site. The price of web hosting varies from 5 to 10 dollars per month that is not expensive for qualitative reliable web service.

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Aug 21 2008

How to plan your web site in detail.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

Before inviting a web developer you should compose a short plan where you will expound your thoughts about content of your site for each page. It is very important to do so because it is you who know everything about this market, you know the fad words for your business, you know what visitors of your site would like to see and read there and etc. So, make up a brief note about each page of your site and show it your web developer. It will be easy for him to undestand what you expect from his work.

You may also right all the texts for your site and then ask an online copywriter to edit them. It is possible to hire a copyrighter to right the texts, but he must be a dab and come to know the particulars of the crux not worse than you do. If you’v decided to make up all the texts yourself, then it is impossible to manage without an online copywriter. Most of them have knowledge of advertizing, so they can shorten your texts but live the most important information for visitors of your site. This step is essential because users don’t like to read large texts. They just want to find nesessary information as quick as possible. That’s why texts, filled with “water” are not for serious sites.

Then you should hire an Internet marketer and ask him to rewiew and edit the content of your site. You need his service in order to correlate use of the keywords in your texts with required rules. Internet marketers have specialization not only in search engines and their ranking criteria but also in repeat traffic generators and permission marketing. There are some rules how to use the keywords righty. For example, the keyword that is used on a particular page should be used without fail in the page title, in the headers, in the comment tags, in the text throughout the page in some more places. The Internet marketer will check proper usage of the keywords, usage of suitable repeat traffic generators, suitable permission marketing techniques and suitable viral marketing techniques.

Then you need to hire a grafic designer. His services consist of developing the navigation bar, the background, and the separator bars. The grafic designer should know that your offline and online corporate identity (the banners, tags, slogans, colours) should be consistent.
It is up to you to hire a Web development team or find separate workers. But most probably that a serried team will work more quicker and in an organized way.

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Aug 12 2008

Visual notes.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

You should know that visitors of your site use different browsers. It is very important to examing your web-site using different browsers because they show idem site in different ways. It means that users of your site can see it differently when it is downloaded over their browsers. If you are going to post your site right now it is better to verify it with the most general browsers.
They are:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x;
  • Netscape Navigator 4.x, Netscape Navigator 6.x, Netscape Navigator 7.x;
  • America Online 8.x, America Online 9.x;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera Browser.

When you design your site select such size of texts and grafics that it would be easy and good for users’ eyes to read it. We’ll prompt you that still the most popular resolution of users’ screen is 640 pixels by 480 pixels. Don’t forget about it. It possible to ask visitors of your site, what screen resolution they prefer. Conduct something like a poll. Then it will be easy to adopt design of your site in accordance with a majority vote.

It is also important before posting your site online to review it on different platforms. It may look different on Mackintosh and Personal computers.

Try to avoid scrolling marquee text on your site. Use it only in case of need. Such text don’t go well with some browsers. So, it is don’t wise to use scrolling marquees. It is better to post text right on the pages of your site.

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Aug 12 2008

Let’s have a talk about grafics.

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

If your site is cramed with grafics than it takes a lot of time to download it. It is most likely that visitors will not wait and return to your site any more. 50 kb is an information limit that you can inflate with text and grafics. Some users in order to save time turn grafics off in there browsers. It means that your site should contain information in text without fail. It is wise to use graphic Alt attributes in your image labels. Most of the search engines can index Alt text but not grafics. If you are going to include any king-sized files for audio or video into your site then it is better to indicate the size of this files. Visitors of the site will appreciate your care of them.
Try to use thumbnail graphics where possible. For example, one of your pages consists of many large images and it takes a great deal of time to load them. The best way out from this situation is to make little variants of each image with the help of thumbnail graphics. If visitors want they can click through to see large images.
If you are about to apply image maps then do it cautiously. Under image maps we consider big-sized graphics that has clickable “hot spots”. Their main function is providing good navigation. Such maps have text inside. But you may be entrapped if you don’t know that search engines fail to read text in a graphic. So, if you want to set image maps make certain that you provide the right text and Alt tags in order search engine can find it.
It is also better to split the image into small parts. Then you will save you visitors long loading. Don’t forget about the users who turn grafics off in there browsers. Use an alternative text link navigation system to help such visitors.

Our best friend domain hosting.
Unlimited Dimains, Free Domain, Free Site Builder.

Feb 28 2008

A Few Tips On Website Building: web site builders

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

Website building does not have to begin with a call to a professional web designer. Website building can commence with the decision to sit in front of a computer screen and to check out what is on the Internet.

Step one in website building calls for the creation of a blog. A blog is a type of website. The Internet has several addresses at which one can make a free blog. Write the content for the blog, post that content and then edit it. After that, just wait for Internet users to discover your blog.

A blog should get new information on a regular basis. The person who has a blog should thus remember to the URL for that blog. By returning to the URL, the blog/site owner can update the blog, and thus satisfy the desires of those who might be reading that blog.

Those who want to have something more than a simple blog might consider buying some website building software. In the absence of such software, any one who wants to build a website should consider developing a customized blog. Customization requires the use of website building software.
You can try site builders offered by web hosting companies AvaHost and Easy-To-Build offers good site builders HTML and Flash site builders, Details:,
You can try Flash Site Builder for free here:

Yet no site owner should feel that he (or she) needs to create a “perfect” website. Perfection in a website does not guarantee the willingness of a search engine to give that same website a consistently high ranking. A site owner needs to pay a site host, if the site owner is truly serious about the retention of his (or her) website among the sites listed in the search engine index.

Looking beyond the search engine rankings, the site owner should put quality web content on his (or her) website. If an Internet user finds a website with good web content, then that website is sure to get plenty of “hits.”

Feb 28 2008

Economical Web Hosting, Not An Option But The Right Choice

Filed under: Web Hosting Articles

Once you are done designing and creating your own website the question rises of how to upload it over the internet to make it accessible all around the globe. If you already paid a professional web designer for a website then probably you would want to keep your web hosting budget to a minimum as it is an every month payment. Understanding the term of web hosting, it can be defined as a way to bring your website out on the internet which can be accessed by everyone and anyone in spite of of their location. You may come across websites that offer free web hosting on their server.

It might sound tempting but it is in your best interest that you do not go for it. The reason is simple, the free space you get may show your website on the internet at that moment but the servers constantly fluctuate resulting in an error if accessed by someone else. So instead of wasting your time you can pick a web hosting service that is affordable and effective.
Plus the basic income that web hosting company generates is through the number of advertisements they run on your website which can be annoying and distracting for most viewers. These web hosting companies also have pop ups which will minimize your viewers and result in loosing your customers.

Contact professional and certified companies for web hosting to avoid getting ripped. To find a professional company you necessarily do not need to pay a huge amount of money every month but in case of web hosting a little can be sufficient. Expensive web hosting may only give you the benefit of uploading a large size of files and no advertisements whatsoever but if you keep your website concise the budget of monthly payment of web hosting can be kept to a minimum without any future troubles.

Feb 28 2008

WebSite Promo: Cost per Action

Filed under: Web Site Promotion

Cost per action deals with advertising and marketing, mostly electronic marketing also known as Email marketing. Cost per action is also sometimes known as pay per action and is an internet advertising model. This online advertising model is one in which the advertiser pays for each service or action that he or she wants such as a purchase or a form submission. The submission form or purchase and so forth must be linked to the advertisement.

Direct response advertisers believe that cost per action is the best way to purchase online advertising because cost per action allows the advertiser to only pay for the ad when the desired action has been fulfilled. An action in this case can be a product being purchased, a form to be filled out and submitted, or a service to be rendered. It is important to remember that with cost per action the wanted action to be done is determined by the advertiser. In addition, it is also crucial to know that the cost per action can be determined by many different factors depending on where the online advertising supplies are being bought.